Free Trigonometry Notes for Leaving Cert Students

A group of students studying a set of free trigonometry notes for ordinary level leaving cert maths

Understanding Trigonometry


Alongside Algebra, Trigonometry is one of the most important topics to understand in order to do well in Leaving Cert Maths. 

This is because Trigonometry is a foundational topic – if you have a good understanding of it, you’ll find it easier to understand more advanced topics like calculus and geometry.

On the other hand, if you struggle with Trigonometry, you’re likely to struggle with these advanced concepts as well. 

This leads to a vicious cycle where you’re constantly struggling to keep up in Maths class, leading to poor results, diminishing confidence and increasing Maths anxiety. 

The solution? Make sure you have a solid foundation in the basic Maths concepts, principles and topics – like Trigonometry – and you’re on your way to Leaving Cert success.

Free Trigonometry Notes


To help you master Trigonometry, expert Maths teacher Elaine has compiled this comprehensive set of notes that cover everything you need to succeed in Leaving Cert Maths. 

Suitable for Ordinary Level students, these notes cover a range of concepts including (but not limited to):

Leaving Cert Maths Grinds

If you want to maximise your grades, grow in confidence and achieve exam success, our Leaving Cert Maths grinds for Ordinary Level students contain a maximum of 5 students per group which allows everyone who works with us to receive individualised attention, feedback and support. 

Classes are offered on a termly basis and places are limited due to our small class sizes. 

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